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Bathroom tiles flowers: design tips

Decorative elements in the bathroom are an ideal way to make the space unique. Flower bathroom tiles are an option that never goes out of style. A non-trivial design will make the bathroom a place of relaxation after a hard day.

Bathroom tiles with flowers

Tips for decorating your bathroom with decorative elements

Flowers in the bathroom interior

Each flower has its own meaning and a certain emotional content.

Tiles with roses for the bathroom will emphasize the nobility and classics of the English style.

The English style is, in principle, characterized by floral decor.

Flowers scattered chaotically or geometrically across the surface of the bathroom walls are more suitable for modern style trends.

A compositional masterpiece with roses covering the entire wall is an excellent option for a young couple.

[note]Roses require attention and rigor in design; they do not tolerate awkward trinkets and bright inclusions, as well as dark tones. As the main color, it is better to opt for pastel colors or constant white.[/note]

Orchid bathroom tiles will be a wonderful addition to the Japanese design style. The orchid, as a symbol of sophistication and sophistication, goes well with both dark and light tones.

Bright spot on a black and white background

Dreamy and creative people will love tiles with poppies for the bathroom. To decorate with poppy flowers, a plain white tile in the shape of a rectangle is suitable.

In addition, red is an absolute trend today. In combination with white, poppy bathroom tiles will symbolize vital energy.

[note]Red, even in minimal quantities, is not for everyone. It can depress sensitive and irritable natures.[/note]

Successful trio: red and green on a white background

Harmony will come to the room thanks to the decor of tulips bathroom tiles. Tulips in the interior look calmer than poppies, even if they are red.

You can decorate all the walls with floral elements, or the wall opposite the bathroom. Small bouquets of tulips will look expressive near the washbasin. The mirror will be successfully framed with lilies or wildflowers.

[note]When decorating a bathroom with flowers, it is better to avoid borders. A large number of color accents will look ridiculous.[/note]

A blossoming branch of a mosaic orchid leaning over the bathtub, representing the perfection of shapes and lines, will look elegant.

Decorative inserts can be added to one color scheme. The option when the bathroom is divided into zones with different colors is also suitable for decorative elements.

Well-placed accents

Giving preference to decorating with flowers, the interior does not need to be loaded with unnecessary elements or bright color spots. The entire emphasis should be on a floral theme.

Types of decor and methods of implementation in space

Decorative elements include:

  1. panel;
  2. separate inserts of decorative tiles.

A significant difference between decorative inserts and panels is that the latter has a “complete plot” and a general thematic focus.

You can choose different options and styles of panels:

  • a single tile of the appropriate size;
  • geometrically correct composition of several tiles;
  • free-size panels, free style, no geometry;
  • mosaic panel.

The choice of decorative element depends on the style of the bathroom and its design features.

Mosaic panels have the effect of a full-dimensional image. The drawing becomes alive and voluminous. Such a panel takes the bathroom space beyond clear boundaries and lines.

Mosaic tiles for the bathroom with orchids will emphasize the splendor and refined taste.

[note]Mosaic acquires its charm when viewed from afar. When choosing a mosaic panel, the dimensions of the room are taken into account.[/note]

Clean lines combined with a spectacular mosaic panel

The keynote of the room will be tiles with flowers for the bathroom. A vertical panel will raise the ceiling, and a horizontal panel will expand the existing boundaries of the room.

A panel in the form of one large tile will fit into a small space.

A free-size panel is a composition of tiles fully covered with a pattern and half covered. Thanks to this technical approach, a scattering of flowers is obtained on the wall. The tiles are marked on the back, so it is difficult to make a mistake about the correctness of the design. The absence of clear lines goes well with minimalism and high-tech style.

Image on tile. Features of production and operation

There are plenty of techniques for applying images to ceramic or tiles. The photo effect is achieved through a printed drawing or photograph. The drawing is applied using different methods:

  • direct printing with special ink;
  • sublimating;
  • hand painted;
  • decaling method;
  • direct printing with ceramic inks.

The most popular is the decal method, the decal is suitable for almost any surface, the tile is exposed to high temperatures, the wear resistance of such a pattern is in no way inferior to ordinary plain ceramics.

Images printed by sublimation have photographic clarity and brightness.

bathroom tiles maki

Methods of direct printing with ink or ceramic paints in modern production of decorative tiles are used for economy class collections. Such decoration is inexpensive, and accordingly, the service life is much lower than that of decaled tiles.

Today, exclusive tiles with hand-painted elements are ordered online or bought at an exhibition of craftsmen.

DIY painted bathroom

You can try yourself in a creative profession and paint ceramics yourself.

To make individual decorative elements depicting poppies you will need:

  • a store-bought or self-made stencil;
  • primer;
  • ammonia;
  • special paints for ceramics.

Stores sell ready-made stencils; you can find a flower you like on the Internet or in a magazine, transfer it to paper and carefully cut it out.

[note]You should not experiment with complex designs; stencils without small details are ideal for beginning artists.[/note]

Ceramic tiles are pre-treated with ammonia, then a primer is applied. When the surface is dry, apply a stencil and begin to trace the outline of the flower with a thin brush or sponge. Then the remaining elements are painted.

Thus, you can get exclusive flower tiles for the bathroom. It is better to fire the finished tile with a pattern on it in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. In this case, the surface will be less susceptible to abrasion.

A bouquet of flowers preparing for heat treatment

Having become familiar with various decorative elements, image application techniques, and taking design tips into account, you can safely begin creating your own floral style in the bathroom.