The content of the article
When starting finishing work in the bathroom, you first need to calculate and purchase the required amount of material. It is advisable to buy the entire volume at once, since the next batch may differ in tone, so calculations must be made very accurately. In this case, tiles are used to finish the walls and floor. Manufacturers offer material of various shapes and sizes. The number of tiles needed for the bathroom will largely depend on which collection is preferred. There are several calculation methods that we will introduce you to today.
Bathroom project
Preparatory stage
Before you begin the calculation, you need to carefully measure the bathroom using a tape measure or rangefinder. The following parameters are required for the calculation:
- Wall height.
- Width of walls.
If the walls have the correct shape, it will be enough to take two or three measurements. If there are niches or various protruding elements, you will need to measure their parameters too and clarify the dimensions of the door.
Taking measurements
[note]Even if at first glance the walls seem perfectly smooth: square or rectangular, be sure to take several control measurements. This will avoid errors in calculations. [/note]
After taking measurements to correctly calculate the amount of tiles for the bathroom, it is worth drawing up a scale plan of the bathroom, noting the existing arrangement of plumbing fixtures and furniture.
Bathroom layout
Required quantity of floor tiles
First way
Calculations begin with determining the floor area. To do this, its length is multiplied by its width. Then the area of one tile is calculated in the same way. After this, the first value is divided by the second, and the resulting result is rounded up. The result is an approximate value, which experts recommend increasing by 5%, multiplying by a correction factor of 1.05. The resulting value is again rounded to the nearest whole number.
As an example, consider a bathroom that has a ceiling of 2.65 m, walls of 1.8 m and 1.7 m and a door 0.6 m wide. In this case, if the floor tiles are 33 cm by 33 cm, you will need: ((1 .8*1.7)/(0.33*0.33))=28.1 pieces; 29*1.05"31 tiles.
Second way
We begin calculating the number of tiles for the bathroom by determining the number of tiles that will need to be laid in length and width. To do this, divide the length and width of the room by the length and width of the tiles, respectively. We multiply the resulting values by each other, round to the nearest whole number and also increase by 5%.
Layout option
Based on the above example, we obtain the following sequence of calculations:
- 1.8/0.33=5.5 pcs.;
- 1.7/0.33=5.2 pcs.;
- 5.5*5.2=28.6 pcs.;
- round the value obtained in step 3 to 29;
- 29*1.05=30.45 pcs., i.e. To finish the floor (after rounding up) you need to purchase 31 tiles.
[note]If, when calculating using one of the methods, a larger value is obtained, it is worth choosing it. However, it is worth noting that sales consultants prefer to use the first option. [/note]
Required quantity of wall tiles
First way
To determine how many bathroom tiles are needed for wall cladding, we calculate the perimeter of the room. To do this, we sum up the lengths of all its walls. If we are talking about a standard bathroom, just add the length and width and multiply by 2. In our example: (1.8+1.7)*2=7 m.
Based on the perimeter, the required number of friezes is calculated. To do this, the width of the door is subtracted from the perimeter of the bathroom. The resulting value is divided by the length of the frieze or border, respectively.
As an example, we will assume that we will decorate the walls with main tiles 20 cm by 40 cm. The size of the frieze is 20 cm by 8 cm. In this case, to decorate the bathroom we will need to purchase: (7-0.6)/0.2 =32 friezes.
To calculate the required number of main tiles, you need to decide how they will be laid. If the walls will be decorated with dark and light tiles, you need to know exactly the height of the dark bottom.
[note]If you wish, you can save money by not covering the part of the wall located under the bathtub. In this case, it will be necessary to subtract the area pertaining to this area from the general calculations. [/note]
So, for example, assuming that the dark tiles will be laid to a height of 1 m, we find that the height of the light top will be equal to: 2.7 m -1 m – 0.08 m (frieze height) = 1.62 m. Now you can calculate the required number of tiles. For this:
- We calculate the area that light and dark tiles will occupy.
- We divide the resulting values by the area of one tile.
- Round to the nearest integer value.
- We increase by 5%.
- Round to the nearest whole value.
In our example we will need:
- Dark tiles: (7-0.6)*1/(0.2*0.4)=52.5 pcsÞ53 pcs * 1.05=55.56Þ56 pcs;
- Light tiles: (7-0.6)*1.62/(0.2*0.4)=55.05 pcsÞ56 pcs * 1.05=90.3Þ91 pcs.
[note]If decorative inserts are planned, then the number of light or dark tiles should be reduced by the amount of purchased decor [/note]
Second way
In this case, we lay out the layout of each wall to understand how many tiles can be placed in horizontal and vertical rows. In this case, the tiles that need to be cut are taken into account as whole. We increase the resulting value by 5% to insure ourselves in case of marriage or battle. We calculate the required number of dark, light tiles and borders and go shopping.
Wall development
Thus, knowing the above methods, everyone can independently calculate how many tiles are needed for a bathroom. You just need to take the correct measurements, decide on the type of tile, as well as how it will be placed on the wall and floor.