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How to make a mosaic countertop for a bathroom with your own hands

A mosaic countertop in a bathroom can create a special atmosphere. Unlike standard products offered by various manufacturers, a countertop made to order or in-house can become a real decoration of the bathroom. You just need to decide on its size and shape, as well as purchase all the necessary materials and tools.

Mosaic table top

Choosing finishing material

What can you use to cover a tabletop?

As a rule, to cover the countertop, taking into account the specifics of its operation, purchase:

  • Tile;
  • Mosaic (glass and ceramic);
  • Pebbles.

Table top paved with pebbles

These materials have the necessary moisture resistance and are able to resist any external mechanical influence for a long time (provided that during the installation process all the necessary technological requirements were met).

How to choose material

The choice of suitable material can be influenced primarily by the financial capabilities of the family, as well as the taste preferences of its members. In order for the mosaic countertop in the bathroom to be as harmonious as possible, you need to take care of the presence of a frieze with a mosaic structure.

Also, when choosing a material, you need to take into account the convenience of subsequent care. Here you need to pay attention to the number of seams. The fewer of them there are, the easier it will be for the housewife in the future to remove all the dirt that appears on the surface. From this point of view, the preferred option would be a bathroom countertop made of tiles laid using seamless technology.

[note]When choosing a material for finishing a countertop, you can use an interesting technique. Provide inserts in a contrasting color to the main color on the bathroom walls, and then lay out the countertop with material of exactly the same color. [/note]

Mosaic table top and frieze

We make the tabletop ourselves

What you need

In order for the finished countertop in the bathroom to turn out beautiful, in addition to the finishing material, primer for the base and tile adhesive for attaching the mosaic or tile, you must purchase:

  • Plywood;
  • Glue;
  • Waterproof drywall;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Serpyanka ribbon.

A tile bathroom countertop must be mounted on a solid frame, which must be securely attached to the wall. The preferred option would be its location in a special niche, the presence of which should be foreseen at the design stage of future housing.

Tile countertop

Sequence of work

At the very beginning of work, it is necessary to correctly measure the dimensions of the available space and think through the design features of the future product. Based on these data, the required amount of moisture-resistant plywood is determined, which is most often used as the basis for making countertops on your own.

Tabletop composition

The further sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. After purchasing plywood, two blanks are cut out, which will act as the base. Here you can abandon the traditional rectangular shape, giving preference to non-standard curved lines. When determining the height of the finished product from the floor, one must proceed from ease of use. Often the best option is a height of 0.9 m. You also need to take into account the shape and size of the sink that you plan to install in the future. By choosing a built-in sink, you can avoid additional work aimed at masking drain lines.
  2. The blanks are connected to each other using glue and self-tapping screws. This ensures sufficient rigidity and strength of the finished structure and, consequently, increases service life.
  3. A thin layer of tile adhesive is applied to the surface of the countertop and waterproof plasterboard is glued. Self-tapping screws are also used to secure it. Narrow strips of plasterboard are glued to the edges of the future tabletop.
  4. All existing drywall joints are taped with sickle tape.
  5. Another layer of tile adhesive is applied to the entire surface of the tabletop and the mosaic or other selected finishing material is glued.

Mosaic laying

  1. The joints are being grouted.
  2. After the grout has completely dried, you need to wipe the tiles with a cloth. This will not only remove excess composition, but will also give it a characteristic shine.
  3. The tabletop is attached to the corners.
  4. The sink is inserted. To prevent water leakage, the space between the countertop and the sink is filled with sanitary sealant, which, moreover, after final hardening, can prevent accidental movement of the washbasin during its operation.

Not many people decide to make a countertop on their own, because they are initially sure that they do not have a good command of the necessary tools. This does not mean at all that you should abandon your plan. It is enough to independently think through the ideal design for a particular bathroom and turn to professionals.