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Having completed the main renovation work in the bathroom, you need to take care of the final finishing. So, by installing a tile screen under the bathtub, it will be possible to hide the sewer pipes and the unsightly base of the bathtub itself. Its presence creates a feeling of completion of the work done, and the room looks more beautiful.
Bath screen
Which material to choose
There are a large number of finishing materials on sale, varying in their characteristics and sizes. Each such material has its own design solution, and therefore it will not be difficult to choose the best option based on the overall stylistic decision.
[note]Manufacturers offer ready-made screens, the length of which is equal to the standard length of the bathroom. With their help, you can quickly close the existing opening. [/note]
The most commonly used materials are:
- drywall;
- tongue-and-groove slabs;
- ceramic tile;
- PVC panels;
- ready-made elements.
Each of them has its own advantages. Most often, preference is given to either drywall or ceramic tiles.
Installing a screen under the bathroom
Where to begin
Anyone can install a screen on their own. First you need to measure the dimensions of the finished screen. When determining the dimensions, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the floor to the side or the internal bend of the side.
Having measured the parameters of the future screen, we draw up a plan diagram. With its help we determine the required amount of material. At the same time, we take into account not only the required amount of tiles and drywall, but also the profile that will be required to secure it, as well as fittings.
Frame for securing finishing material
To install transverse frame guides under a standard-sized bathtub, a load-bearing profile of 2x180 cm is suitable. You need to purchase two pieces. Vertical posts and racks, which will help strengthen the frame and are used to install a bathroom door under the tiles, can be 4 x 0.5 m in size. It is enough to purchase 4 pieces to mount the frame.
[note]It is imperative to take care of the presence of a special door. By making the screen blank, you can lose a large amount of space, which, if there is a special hatch, can be used to store various detergents. [/note]
To cover the frame, you need to purchase moisture-resistant plasterboard. This material can withstand moisture, greatly simplifying finishing work. When installing a standard size bathroom screen, a sheet measuring 180x50 cm will be sufficient.
The amount of finishing material required will depend on the method of manufacturing the door. There are ready-made bathroom hatches for tiles on sale. By deciding to give preference to such a door, you can significantly reduce the amount of material purchased and reduce the cost of finishing work.
On sale you can find a screen with a ready-made plasterboard door on which you can stick tiles
If this option does not suit you, then you can make the hatch yourself by attaching to the door the same material that is used to make the screen itself, adjusting it to size.
Installation features
If you decide to make a screen for a bathtub from tiles yourself, first secure the metal frame. To do this, you need to prepare the elements by marking them. The screen must be mounted flush with the outer edge of the side. This must be taken into account when performing markings.
To attach the guides to the bathtub, drill blind holes using a 3 mm drill. The screws used for fastening must be of suitable length. If necessary, washers can be inserted between the bathtub and the frame. To prevent the washers from scattering, we wrap them with tape and, if possible, treat them with a special agent, for example, Poxipol.
To securely fix the frame, 3 to 4 screws are enough. To fasten the remaining areas, it is necessary to use a special composition - liquid nails. The frame must also be securely attached to the floor and walls. It is best to place the bathroom hatch under the tiles strictly in the middle, if there is only one. We attach drywall to the frame, which serves as the basis for the finishing material.
The frame is covered with plasterboard
The next step is to install the door. The method of opening it must be decided in advance. It could be as follows:
- folding;
- swing;
- sliding;
- removable.
For a folding one, you need to attach magnets in the upper part that will hold it in a vertical position. For all types of doors, care must be taken to ensure a reliable and tight fit to the base in the closed position.
After this, you can begin attaching the finishing material. Having primed the drywall and all existing joints, we putty the base with a special compound, rub it with sandpaper and, after applying another layer of primer and a special adhesive solution, attach the tiles. The screen is ready!
Finished screen with invisible hatch