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Selecting and installing plastic shelves for the bathroom

When decorating a bathroom, you will need a sense of style, as well as the ability to rationally use the available space. This is especially true for owners of miniature bathrooms. If the space allows, you can install spacious storage cabinets. Otherwise, shelves come to the rescue and the most commonly used ones are plastic bathroom shelves. We'll talk about them today.

Plastic shelf on the wall

Types of shelves

Corner bathroom shelf

The name speaks for itself. Corner plastic shelves for the bathroom are placed in, most often, empty corners of the room. Thanks to several sections located one above the other, the useful area of ​​​​the products is significantly increased. Manufacturers often provide them with special hooks on which you can hang a washcloth.

Pay attention to perforated shelf models. Firstly, this will not allow the water to stagnate, which means you are definitely insured against the appearance of mold. Secondly, additional ventilation won't hurt either.

Quite often, a plastic bathroom shelf is equipped with doors that turn it into a full-fledged cabinet.

Corner shelf - the most practical option

[note] Corner shelves are quite popular. After all, they help not only create comfort, but also significantly expand the functionality of the room.[/note]

Bathroom wall shelf

Another type of shelves that can be seen on bathroom walls. As a rule, the purpose of such an accessory depends on its size. Large shelves can be used as storage for towels and bathrobes. Smaller shelves are suitable for personal belongings, and very small ones can act as cute accessories.

Hanging plastic shelf

Shelves under the bath

If the shelf can hang on the wall, then why can’t it be installed on the floor? Very often, a fairly large space directly under the bathroom itself sits idle, while it can also be put to excellent use.

Plastic bathroom shelves installed in this niche and then covered with a special screen will serve you faithfully for many years. At the same time, there will be a lot of additional space in the bathroom, and what is very convenient, hidden from view. Here you can store anything, from household chemicals to bath accessories.

Option for organizing storage under the bathroom

Bathroom shelves

There are models that can be placed directly on the bathtub. They do not require installation, but are attached using hooks that cling to the side. But if your bathroom is not too large, then such a shelf will narrow it even more.

Shelf that attaches to the sides of the bathtub

Shelf above the bath

An unusual option, but very convenient. You can even build a small niche so that the shelf does not interfere while taking a bath. After all, now there is no need for you to get out of the warm water and stomp for forgotten shampoo.

Functionality of shelves

Shelves perform several important functions simultaneously:

  1. Storage. Plastic shelves can hold many useful things. It is especially important that the space will not be affected at all, since the bathroom is very rarely large in size. The savings are explained by the fact that the shelf is attached directly to the wall, and corner models generally always take up empty space.
  2. Safety. The plastic bathroom shelf is completely safe. Remember how many times you tried to reach the jar you needed by touch. Plastic is a completely non-hazardous material and it is very difficult to cut yourself on it.
  3. Decorative. A tastefully selected shelf can not only decorate the bathroom interior, but also become a “highlight” that attracts attention.

We hang the shelf ourselves

To hang plastic shelves in the bathroom, it is absolutely not necessary to call a team of professional builders. Using our instructions, you can do this yourself. So, the installation technology is as follows:

  • If you have not yet decided at what height the shelf will hang, then choose a place where you will not touch it with your elbows or hands, or your head. It is best if it hangs higher, but at the same time it should be convenient for use by all family members. Especially if there is a child living in the house.

Having chosen a place, you need to put marks on the wall

  • To fit harmoniously into the space surrounding it, a shelf must hang perfectly straight. To achieve this, you will need a building level.
  • Now you need to choose a place and make markings. Here you will need an assistant to hold the shelf while you mark the wall.
  • Upon completion of this stage, you must select the type of fastener. The choice depends on the size of the shelf, as well as the material of the wall. If there is a thick layer of plaster on the wall, or it is made of foam concrete, then the self-tapping screw should be quite long and thick. In this case, a hole is first drilled, and only then a dowel is driven into it. The self-tapping screw is already twisted into it. The shelf cannot be hung solely on one self-tapping screw, because it may fall during use.

Drilling a hole in a tile

  • In order to make a hole in the wall, you will need either a drill or screwdriver, or a hammer drill. If foam concrete, aerated concrete or something similar was used as the wall material, then a drill is sufficient. But for a brick or concrete wall you will need a hammer drill.
  • Quite often, bathroom walls are made of plasterboard. How to hang a shelf in this case? For fastening to drywall, it is better to use a self-tapping screw, but it must be screwed directly into the aluminum profile.

Installation of shelves on drywall

  • If the wall is tiled , then drilling holes for fasteners is carried out in two stages. The first is to drill a hole in the tile itself. The second is a recess into the wall. To drill the tile itself without causing any damage to it in the form of cracks or chips, you need to use a Pobedit drill bit.

Now that everything is ready, you can hang the shelf itself.

When choosing a shelf, always remember that it should combine aesthetics and functionality. This is especially important when your bathroom is small and installing additional cabinets is simply impossible.