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Ukrainian manufacturers of bathroom tiles

Ceramics in decoration today is at the peak of popularity, and one of the most interesting offers on the market is Ukrainian bathroom tiles. Its quality and variety of colors are in no way inferior to the world's leading manufacturers, and its dimensional accuracy and functionality meet the highest requirements.

Modern ceramic tiles made in Ukraine

Features of ceramic tiles from Ukraine

One of the reasons for the high quality of ceramic bathroom tiles is that Ukraine has huge reserves of white clay and quartz, which are the best raw materials for the production of this product. It must be said that these minerals are mined not only for domestic consumption, but also for export, for European ceramics manufacturers. However, the characteristics that these bathroom tiles have are not only due to the use of excellent raw materials. Ukraine has done a lot to raise this industry to a high level.

Modern technologies

One of the main conditions required for the production of first-class products is the availability of appropriate equipment and technologies used in production. It must be said that Ukrainian companies invested a lot of money in modernization, and the result met all expectations. Today, in terms of technical equipment, these production facilities do not lag behind leading European companies, in particular Italy and Spain, whose products have always served as a model in this area.

If before the modernization the opinion that Ukrainian ceramic tiles were only suitable for finishing objects that were undemanding in terms of decorativeness was quite justified, today the situation has changed dramatically. The latest Italian equipment, modern technologies and trained personnel - all these components are present where bathroom tiles made in Ukraine are manufactured.

Use of Marketing

In modern conditions, in order for products to be in high demand, qualities alone are not enough; it is necessary to competently build a marketing strategy and organize promotion in the market. After the modernization of production, this was done first, and today Ukrainian bathroom tiles occupy a worthy place in both the domestic and foreign markets.

Manufacturers of Ukrainian tiles

Several large companies are engaged in the production of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware in Ukraine. The level of their products is not inferior to European standards, and the price is affordable, which makes it possible to purchase excellent finishing materials at modest prices.


"City" by GoldenTile

The enterprises included in this group have been producing ceramics for several decades, which has allowed them to reach unprecedented heights in their field. It contains:

  • "Nikitovsky Alabaster Plant";
  • "Kharkov Tile Factory";
  • "Shakhtostroy";
  • distribution company "GoldenTile";
  • "Maidan-Vilsky quarry."

The scope of activity of the group of companies covers all stages of tile production - from the extraction of raw materials to the sale of finished tiles in markets of all levels. There is a subsidiary that produces ceramics in Russia. The model range produced by the company is constantly updated, giving the consumer the opportunity to receive increasingly high-quality and attractive products. Latest collections presented on the market:

  • Margarita;
  • Monaco;
  • Viola;
  • Venice.

In total, the range currently includes the production of 38 collections, each of which has its own style and is in high demand.

Color solutions for the Margarita collection


The Zeus-ceramics company has a production facility located in the city of Slavyansk, Donetsk region. In addition to traditional products, bathroom tiles in Ukraine also include products such as porcelain tiles with large particles, so-called chips. It is used for finishing various premises, including those with a large area, as well as facades and terraces. Not so long ago, the production of tiles of high strength and increased thickness began; they can be used in parking lots or garages - where the load is especially high.

TRAVERTINO - a new product produced by Zeus-ceramics


The Kiev ceramic tile plant "ATEM" has been operating in this market for a relatively short time - the first products rolled off the assembly line in 2003, but today it is one of the leading enterprises in the industry. High quality, variety of products (about 140 collections), the use of modern technologies and imported additives in combination with high-quality raw materials - all these factors make the company’s products popular not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.

Collections from the ATEM range