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Types of mosaics for the bathroom and features of their application »

Mosaic tiles in the bathroom interior

Mosaic tiles for the bathroom are the ideal solution for those who want to focus attention on certain areas, creating the illusion of a carpet or wall panel. By giving preference to this type of finishing material, you can create an elegant and at the same time unique interior with your own hands. Walls decorated with mosaics are not afraid of moisture and retain their appearance unchanged for a long time.

Mosaic in the interior

Selecting a mosaic

Types of mosaics

Mosaic tiles for the bathroom come in various types:

  • Glass, the most popular. It is not afraid of direct contact with water and prolonged exposure to high humidity. Able to withstand significant temperature changes and cleaning with detergents that contain fairly active chemicals. Manufacturers offer dozens of types of tiles, different colors, textures and degrees of transparency.

Glass mosaic

  • Ceramic tiles have exactly the same properties as regular tiles, but unlike traditional tiles, they have a flexible base. That is why it can be used to cover even surfaces that would be difficult to cover with standard-sized tiles. Thanks to the presence of special shades, such tiles allow you to imitate unevenness on the surface, creating spectacular relief patterns, for example, imitating stone or wood. Glazed ceramic mosaics have a smooth surface, while unglazed ceramic mosaics have a grooved surface. You can always purchase rectangular and square modules, with the help of which surface cladding is greatly simplified.
  • Metal, for the manufacture of which steel or aluminum is used. It allows you to get a surface that not only looks very impressive, but is also quite expensive. With its help, you can visually expand the space, making the room brighter. More demanding customers can always order exclusive tiles that look like gold, platinum or bronze.

Metal mosaic

  • Pebbles can be an ideal choice for those who want their bathroom floor to turn into a real stone beach. Distinguished by its luxurious appearance, such a floor can have a beneficial effect on the body’s condition by massaging the feet. Most often, using this type of mosaic, a small “mat” is laid out near the washbasin or the bottom of the shower stall is covered. This material also looks quite impressive on the walls of the bathroom.

Pebbles on the floor

Which type do you prefer?

The most affordable from a financial point of view is glass. You will have to spend more money on ceramic, but it has a wider range of properties.

If you are planning to lay out various decorative elements, you should give preference to small square tiles, with one side measuring 1 cm. If you plan to lay a simple coating, then you can safely purchase larger elements.

When choosing the color of a finishing material, most people choose blue, turquoise or beige tiles. A well-chosen combination of shades allows you to achieve amazing results in small spaces. White mosaic tiles for the bathroom are no less popular, as they go well with all colors.

Ideas for implementation

Mosaic bathroom tiles put off many people due to their cost, as there is an opinion that this is absolutely not a budget option. Meanwhile, it is not necessary to cover all surfaces without exception with this material. You can consider a combined option, for example, when black mosaic in the bathroom is an exclusively decorative element, and the room itself is made using marble tiles. Finishing small areas will not cause a significant increase in the cost of finishing work, but will still allow you to achieve a striking effect.

Using mosaics on a small area will significantly reduce the cost of materials

Most often, combined finishing is used:

  • When finishing niches or various built-in shelves. When illuminated, such an interior element immediately attracts attention.
  • Instead of a frieze. In this case, both horizontal and vertical layout are possible. Such a replacement of a traditional frieze with a mosaic will practically not change the final cost of the work.
  • To create a panel on the wall. The pattern you post can be very varied.
  • For decorating the screen under the bathtub or the plumbing itself. For greater effect, it is better to choose a shiny material.

Option for implementation

  • To change the appearance of a tabletop, cabinet or any other furniture. A bench decorated in this way looks especially beautiful in a large bathroom.
  • For laying out a decorative frame around a mirror. Here it is worth choosing a tile of a contrasting color so that the laid decorative element looks beautiful against the background of the base tile. For greater efficiency, you can choose a material with a pearlescent tint.

Mirror frame

[note]The listed combinations of standard tiles and mosaics are not final. You can always find a suitable option for a specific bathroom. [/note]

Main stages of finishing work

Preparing the surface

Before you begin installation, you must carefully prepare the surface. Without this, you shouldn’t count on a good and long-lasting result. To do this you need:

  • remove all existing dirt and old coating, if any;
  • level the wall or floor;
  • prime the area where the mosaic will be laid;
  • apply waterproofing mastic.

Mosaic laying

Considering that the mosaic is laid out according to a certain pattern, it is necessary to apply detailed markings to the surface to be tiled before starting work. The tiles must be glued using a special glue. As a rule, the mosaic manufacturer recommends a certain composition, so it is worth carefully studying the manufacturer's recommendations.

Mosaic laying

After the glue has completely dried:

  • the protective film or paper is removed;
  • The joints are being grouted.

For those who haven’t finally decided what tiles should be in the bathroom: with mosaics, any room will look more impressive and presentable. That is why if you want to become the owner of a unique bathroom, but there is no opportunity for significant financial expenses, it is worth considering the possibility of combining standard tiles and mosaics. We have described the possible options for such finishing above.

Thus, mosaic tiles for the bathroom are a great opportunity to create a unique and inimitable interior. You just need to show your imagination and turn your plans into reality.