« Laying tiles in the bathroom: procedure

Tiles for a small bathroom: selection features »

Bathroom tile sizes: features of each option

Before purchasing tiles for the bathroom, you should decide on its color and size. The sizes of bathroom tiles are varied, but it is necessary to take into account parameters such as moisture resistance, thermal conductivity, and abrasion resistance.

Laying tiles of different sizes on the floor and walls


Based on size, all tiles are divided into four groups.


According to the classification, large tiles have dimensions of 25x40 cm and above. Thanks to this size, its moisture-proof properties are significantly higher than those of other types. However, with such material it is quite difficult to hide some shortcomings, for example, the curvature of the wall.

[note]Large tiles have a special property - they visually enlarge the room. [/note]


Large tiles with bright patterns


The size of the average tile is 20x25 cm. It is best suited for medium and small bathrooms.

[note]If desired, you can use long tiles, which can visually increase the height of the bathroom. The same applies to laying horizontally - this will expand the room. [/note]


A small tile does not exceed 10x10cm in size. It can hide the curvature of the wall. It is best placed in large bathrooms, and it is recommended to combine it with other materials for cladding the premises. Square tiles are used to create patterns on the wall and floor.


It consists of small squares, and can also be represented by irregular shapes: ovals, hexagons and others.

Mosaic tile option

Size selection

It is easiest to calculate the amount of material used if it is a medium-sized tile. For example:

  1. Bathroom tiles 20 20 are not only easy to install, but also level well. It is usually used to decorate bathroom walls, but can also be used for floors.
  2. Small tiles are great for laying out mosaics. It is usually chosen for covering uneven surfaces, especially if the bulge is clearly visible.

[note]Today, there are various collections of small tiles - both floor and wall. However, it does have some disadvantages. It slightly reduces the visual volume of the bathroom and also requires too much grout material. [/note]

Tile 15 15 cm - the best choice for the bathroom

  1. Also suitable for floors and walls is a material with dimensions of 20x40 cm, which combines well in various patterns with 20x20 cm tiles. Experts say that such material is convenient to transport, and the number of broken elements is usually very small.
  2. Bathroom tiles 20 30 are most often used as finishing material in standard-sized bathrooms in most city apartments. Since the size of such rooms is not very large, this material can correct the visual perception of space.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Before you begin, you should determine the type of installation, as well as calculate the amount of material required.

[note]The amount of grout also depends on the number and size of ceramic tiles. [/note]

Laying type

There are several types of floor tiles, one of which is chosen depending on the shape and size of the tile:

  • standard;
  • diagonal;
  • diagonal chess.

The standard type is to lay the tiles with their edges parallel to the wall. When laid diagonally, the tiles are placed at an angle of 45 degrees. The diagonal checkerboard type involves alternating material of different colors. At the same time, large bathroom tiles are practically not used in the latter case. Medium sized material is most suitable.

Combining colored tiles of the same size

You can lay tiles on the wall in one of four ways:

  • straight;
  • with a border;
  • diagonal;
  • chess.

In normal straight laying, the tiles are parallel to the floor. If you choose the second method, then alternate wide and narrow tiles. The diagonal method involves laying the material diagonally from one corner of the wall to the other. The chess method can be carried out either parallel to the floor or diagonally. However, it is not recommended to use long tiles in this case, for example, 20x50 cm in size.

“Chess” does not have to be done along the entire height of the wall

It should be noted that if you choose a diagonal laying method, the consumption of the material used will increase too much. This is because fitting the tiles from the center to each corner results in undercutting. In addition, so that uneven walls are not noticeable, it is recommended to make the joints of the outer rows away from them.


Calculations of the required amount of material are carried out according to certain rules:

  1. You should measure the perimeter of the room and the height of the walls.
  2. After this, the size of the door and window, if there is one in the bathroom, is subtracted from the size of the wall.
  3. Next you need to decide on the tile. For installation with a border, material with dimensions of 20x50 cm is suitable.
  4. The result is calculated in square meters.

When purchasing tiles, add 10% to the required quantity. This reserve is necessary so that if the material is damaged during trimming, it can be replaced with something. When making calculations, you need to take into account all the details, including the width of the seams.

Preparing the grout

According to the recommendations of experts, the width of the seam should be on average 2 mm. Also, keep in mind that if you lay tiles on the floor, the floor will settle a little over time, so the depth must be taken into account in this case.

When calculating the required grout material, you need to divide half the perimeter of one tile by its area. The result is multiplied by its thickness. Then the resulting number is multiplied by the width of the seam, and then by 1.5. The end result is the mass of grout in kilograms for one square meter of floor.

The grout can be chosen to match the color of the tile or contrasting

Other classifications and parameters of tiles

In order for the tiles to last for many years, it is important to choose the material not only in size, but also in other parameters. Thus, the choice of tiles is carried out according to the classification of the permeability of the material:

  1. The first type is used in rooms where there is little traffic.
  2. The second is in ordinary apartments, but in low traffic areas.
  3. The third class is installed in those rooms that are not in contact with the street. The permeability of this material is average and is best suited for baths. In this case, the tiles can reach sizes of 30–60 cm.
  4. The fourth and fifth class tiles are used in rooms with high traffic.

In addition, all types of this material are marked with certain symbols. In accordance with each mark, this material can be resistant to frost, immune to various chemical compositions, have increased hardness and other characteristics.

The meanings of the pictures on the tile packaging will help in the calculations

Among the main qualities that bathroom tiles should have are water resistance, resistance to detergents and other chemicals, and resistance to surface abrasion. The quality of tiles is regulated by various international standards, as well as GOST.

What to look for when buying

Regardless of the size of the bathroom wall tiles, when purchasing them you should pay attention to the quality of the material and the presence or absence of damage. In particular, you need to determine whether there are any convexities or concavities, as well as how smooth the sides and corners are.

As for color, it is recommended to install light tiles in small bathrooms. The thickness of the tiles in the bathroom should be thick enough to retain heat. It is also desirable that the texture be glossy - this way the room will also be visually larger. You should think in advance about the location of various decorative inserts. As a result, large tiles will look more harmonious.