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Russian bathroom tiles: manufacturers and collections

Even twenty years ago, at the first glance at ceramic tiles displayed in stores, one could tell whether they were from a Russian or a foreign manufacturer. Domestic products were distinguished by poor colors, low quality and a general, not very attractive appearance. Imported tiles, on the contrary, had a variety of colors and looked much more dignified. Today, the situation has changed dramatically, and there is no external difference between domestic and imported products. This lack of difference has led to the fact that domestic bathroom tiles have occupied a large part of the market, because despite similar quality and decorative properties, imported products continue to cost more, and the buyer is not always ready to accept this.

Russian-made tiles

Quality of Russian products

There are many enterprises operating in Russia where ceramic tiles are the main type of product, and they have reached unprecedented heights in their business. Russian-made bath tiles are quite competitive on the world market, which is confirmed by the constant growth in demand for these products and marketing research. Below are the main manufacturers; their tiles are distinguished by their high quality, sophisticated design, and a huge variety of choices.

Main manufacturers

Shakhty tiles

This manufacturer has raised the level of its products to European heights. The company produces tiles, porcelain stoneware, and decorative elements. If you wish, when renovating the entire house, you can decorate it only with Shakhty tiles, because the variety of decorative and functional qualities of these products is simply enormous. Its advantages are:

  • high quality;
  • optimal price level;
  • constant updating of collections;
  • wide possibilities of use.

The variety of products produced under this brand is simply enormous, and those who are interested in Russian bathroom tiles fully appreciate such a wide selection. Even the names of the collections caress the ear and awaken the imagination:

  • Fabrizio;
  • Antonio;
  • Stone Flower;
  • Christian and many others - the choice here is very difficult, since it is necessary to determine the best of the worthy.

The company constantly improves the level of its products and does not stop in its development, attracting leading European designers to develop collections, and using the highest quality raw materials and advanced technologies.

Popular collections of Shakhty tiles

Ceramic factory "Sokol"

This enterprise continues the historical traditions of the Guchkovsky ceramic factory, which has been producing ceramics for more than a hundred years. The company's products are clear proof that if you need tiles for your bathroom, Russia produces products that are not inferior in quality to world brands. The emphasis is placed on the use of modern technologies and materials and constant updating of design with the involvement of foreign specialists - all this puts the company's products on the same level as foreign manufacturers. The most popular collections are:

  • Gaudi. The richness of colors and interesting design with a touch of extravagance is what leaves an unforgettable impression and makes many buyers choose it.
  • Supergranite. Noble shades, natural combinations of colors, grandeur and solidity of design - all these are characteristic features of the tiles of this collection.
  • Monocolor. Monochromatic does not mean boring, this is what the creators of this collection were guided by. Rich and deep colors are used, the surface of the tiles is flawless.

Bathroom tile sets produced by the Sokol ceramic factory


A description of Russian ceramic tile manufacturers, of course, would be incomplete without mentioning this brand. The company's product range includes thousands of items, including ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, and many decorative elements of different shapes and types. The collections of ceramics in her presentation are a continuous chain of travel: Roman, Scandinavian, Japanese collections - each of them has its own style and flavor.

[note]Another advantage that the company’s products have is a large range of sizes. In the catalog you can choose from miniature-sized mosaic tiles to large-format wall ceramics, not to mention many intermediate options.[/note]

Roman collections from KERAMA MARAZZI

The list of domestic manufacturers is not limited to the companies listed above, and if you need tiles for your bathroom for renovation, Russia produces everything you need, and even more. When purchasing domestic products, the buyer receives not only beautiful and high-quality tiles, but also affordable ones, because he does not have to pay for transportation.